full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ashley M. Grice: The power of purpose in business

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, purpose is particularly uncomfortable for companies who are on a fecord evolution of change, companies in industries like oil and gas, for example, or for companies who maybe have bad behaviors they need to leave behind. Finally, I tell CEOs that purpose must aplpy to the whole of the organization. Purpose is not a CEO vtnaiy project. Sure, it may help cement the lgacey of the CEO who is in crahge at the time it's articulated, but it's not about them, it’s not about him or her. It’s about the value the company brings. It is about the role in the world that it’s meant to play.

Open Cloze

Now, purpose is particularly uncomfortable for companies who are on a ______ evolution of change, companies in industries like oil and gas, for example, or for companies who maybe have bad behaviors they need to leave behind. Finally, I tell CEOs that purpose must _____ to the whole of the organization. Purpose is not a CEO ______ project. Sure, it may help cement the ______ of the CEO who is in ______ at the time it's articulated, but it's not about them, it’s not about him or her. It’s about the value the company brings. It is about the role in the world that it’s meant to play.


  1. charge
  2. vanity
  3. apply
  4. forced
  5. legacy

Original Text

Now, purpose is particularly uncomfortable for companies who are on a forced evolution of change, companies in industries like oil and gas, for example, or for companies who maybe have bad behaviors they need to leave behind. Finally, I tell CEOs that purpose must apply to the whole of the organization. Purpose is not a CEO vanity project. Sure, it may help cement the legacy of the CEO who is in charge at the time it's articulated, but it's not about them, it’s not about him or her. It’s about the value the company brings. It is about the role in the world that it’s meant to play.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
flight attendant 2
purpose line 2
muscle memory 2
cultural norm 2
janitor understood 2

Important Words

  1. apply
  2. articulated
  3. bad
  4. behaviors
  5. brings
  6. cement
  7. ceo
  8. ceos
  9. change
  10. charge
  11. companies
  12. company
  13. evolution
  14. finally
  15. forced
  16. gas
  17. industries
  18. leave
  19. legacy
  20. meant
  21. oil
  22. organization
  23. play
  24. project
  25. purpose
  26. role
  27. time
  28. uncomfortable
  29. vanity
  30. world